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Cash (Tiny jQuery Alternative)

The README for Cash is straightforward: Cash is an absurdly small jQuery alternative for modern browsers (IE11+) that provides jQuery-style syntax for manipulating the DOM. Utilizing modern browser features to minimize the codebase, developers can use the familiar chainable methods at a fraction of the file size. 100% feature parity with jQuery isn’t a goal, but Cash comes helpfully close, covering most day to day use cases. 6 KB minified and gzipped, which is even sm..

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Better Collaboration With Pull Requests

This article is part of our “Advanced Git” series. Be sure to follow us on Twitter or sign up for our newsletter to hear about the next articles! In this third installment of our “Advanced Git” series, we’ll look at pull requests — a great feature which helps both small and larger teams of developers. Pull requests not only improve the review and the feedback process, but they also help tracking and discussing code changes. Last, but not least, pull requests ar..

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The Case for ‘Developer Experience’

A good essay from Jean Yang. What I mean by developer experience is the sum total of how developers interface with their tools, end-to-end, day-in and day-out. Sure, there’s more focus than ever on how developers use and adopt tools, and there are entire talks and panels devoted to the topic of so-called “DX” — yet large parts of developer experience are still largely ignored. With developers spending less than a third of their time actually writing code, dev..

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Jekyll doesn’t do components? Liar!

I like the pushback from Katie Kodes here. I’ve said in the past that I don’t think server-side languages haven’t quite nailed “building in components” as well as JavaScript has, but hey, this is a good point: 1. Any basic fragment-of-HTML “component” you can define with JSX in a file and then cross-reference as <MyComponent key="value" />, you can just as easily define with Liquid in a file and cross-reference in Jekyll as {% include MyComponent...

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Building a Tennis Trivia App With Next.js and Netlify

Today we will be learning how to build a tennis trivia app using Next.js and Netlify. This technology stack has become my go-to on many projects. It allows for rapid development and easy deployment. Without further ado let’s jump in! What we’re using Next.jsNetlifyTypeScriptTailwind CSS Why Next.js and Netlify You may think that this is a simple app that might not require a React framework. The truth is that Next.js gives me a ton of features out of the..

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Comparing Google Analytics and Plausible Numbers

I saw this blog post the other day: 58% of Hacker News, Reddit and tech-savvy audiences block Google Analytics. That’s an enticing title to me. I’ve had Google Analytics on this site literally from the day I launched it. While we tend to see some small growth each year, I’m also aware that the ad-blocking usage (and general third-party script blocking) goes up over time. So maybe we have more growth than we can easily visualize in Google Analytics? The level of ..

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Writing Your Own Code Rules

There comes a time on a project when it’s worth investing in tooling to protect the codebase. I’m not sure how to articulate when, but it’s somewhere after the project has proven to be something long-term and rough edges are starting to show, and before things feel like a complete mess. Avoid premature optimization but avoid, uh, postmature optimization. Some of this tooling is so easy to implement, it is often done right up-front. I think of Prettier here, a co..

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Developer Decisions For Building Flexible Components

Blog posts that get into the whole “how to think like a front-end developer” vibe are my favorite. Michelle Barker nails that in this post, and does it without sharing a line of code! We simply can no longer design and develop only for “optimal” content or browsing conditions. Instead, we must embrace the inherent flexibility and unpredictability of the web, and build resilient components. Static mockups cannot cater to every scenario, so many design decisions fall..

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CSS in TypeScript with vanilla-extract

vanilla-extract is a new framework-agnostic CSS-in-TypeScript library. It’s a lightweight, robust, and intuitive way to write your styles. vanilla-extract isn’t a prescriptive CSS framework, but a flexible piece of developer tooling. CSS tooling has been a relatively stable space over the last few years with PostCSS, Sass, CSS Modules, and styled-components all coming out before 2017 (some long before that) and they remain popular today. Tailwind is one of a few tools tha..

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A Themeable React Data Grid With Great UX-Focused Features

(This is a sponsored post.) KendoReact can save you boatloads of time because it offers pre-built componentry you can use in your app right away. They look nice, but more importantly, they are easily themeable, so they look however you need them to look. And I’d say the looks aren’t even the important part. There are lots of component libraries out there that focus on the visuals. These components tackle the hardest interactivity problems in UI/UX, and do it with grace, s..

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