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:focus-visible in WebKit

This is a nice update from Manuel Rego Casasnovas. Igalia has this idea to sort of crowd-source important web platform features that need to get worked on (that’s the sort of work they do). They call it Open Prioritization. The “winner” of that (the one with the most-pledged dollars) is what they’ll do. That turned out to be :focus-visible support in WebKit (Safari). As I write, people have pledged $29,337.13 of the $35,000 goal, so not bad! That choice was made ..

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SVG Favicons in Action

Ever heard of favicons made with SVG? If you are a regular reader of CSS-Tricks, you probably have. But does your website actually use one? The task is more non-trivial than you might think. As we will see in this article, creating a useful SVG favicon involves editing an SVG file manually, which is something many of us try to avoid or are uncomfortable doing. Plus, we are talking about a favicon. We can spend a few hours playing with a hot new CSS framework. But a favicon..

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