
CSS is OK, I guess.

Nothing but ear-to-ear smiles as I was watching this video from @quayjn on YouTube. (No actual name in the byline,…

2 years ago

Does WWW still belong in URLs?

For years, a small pedantry war has been raging in our address bars. In one corner are brands like Google,…

2 years ago

CSS Infinite and Circular Rotating Image Slider

Image sliders (also called carousels) are everywhere. There are a lot of CSS tricks to create the common slider where…

2 years ago

Digging Deeper Into Container Style Queries

I wrote up some early thoughts on container style queries a little while back. It’s still early days. They’re already…

2 years ago

Using The New Constrained Layout In WordPress Block Themes

One of the main goals of the WordPress Site Editor (and, yes, that is now the “official” name) is to…

2 years ago

More Than “Slapping Paint on a Website”

I’m a sucker for anything about front-end job titles. Anselm Hannemann: CSS evolved and we’re beyond the point where everyone…

2 years ago

Newer Things to Know About Good Ol’ HTML Lists

HTML lists are boring. They don’t do much, so we don’t really think about them despite how widely used they…

2 years ago

Apple Messages & Color Contrast

Well, color me this! I was griping to myself last night about just how gosh dang hard it is to…

2 years ago

WordPress Developer Blog

Well, hey check this out. Looks like there is a brand spankin’ new blog over at WordPress.org all about WordPress…

2 years ago

Taming the Cascade With BEM and Modern CSS Selectors

BEM. Like seemingly all techniques in the world of front-end development, writing CSS in a BEM format can be polarizing.…

2 years ago