
Logical Properties for Useful Shorthands

Michelle Barker with my favorite sorta blog post: short, practical, and leaves you with a valuable nugget for your time.…

2 years ago

How stroke-dasharray Patterns Work

Say you have a line in SVG: <svg> <line x1="0" y1="30" x2="500" y2="30" stroke-color="#f8a100" /> </svg> You can use the stroke-dasharray property…

2 years ago

Office Spaces

I think it’s super timely that Jim Nielson wrote about his office space the other day. My family recently re-rooted…

2 years ago

React Hooks: The Deep Cuts

Hooks are reusable functions. They allow you to use state and other features (e.g. lifecycle methods and so on) without…

2 years ago

In Praise of Shadows

Our dear friend Robin has a new essay called In Praise of Shadows. Now, before you hop over there looking…

2 years ago

Technical Writing for Developers

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, PHP, C++, Dart — there are so many programming languages out there and you may even…

2 years ago

Collective Nouns for the Web

Melanie Sumner has this super-specific collection of web-related nouns for describing a group or set of something. You know how…

2 years ago

Single Element Loaders: Going 3D!

For this fourth and final article of our little series on single-element loaders, we are going to explore 3D patterns. When creating a 3D element,…

2 years ago

Bunny Fonts

Bunny Fonts bills itself as the “privacy-first web font platform designed to put privacy back into the internet.”According to its…

2 years ago

Text-overflow: ellipsis considered harmful

Eric Eggert: There are a few legitimate use cases for this technique. For example, you might have a table with…

2 years ago