
Web Component Pseudo-Classes and Pseudo-Elements are Easier Than You Think

We’ve discussed a lot about the internals of using CSS in this ongoing series on web components, but there are…

3 years ago

Trailing Slashes on URLs: Contentious or Settled?

A fun deep dive from Zach. Do you have an opinion on which you should use? 1) https://website.com/foo/ 2) https://websites.com/foo…

3 years ago

When to Avoid the text-decoration Shorthand Property

In my recent article about CSS underline bugs in Chrome, I discussed text-decoration-thickness and text-underline-offset, two relatively new and widely-supported…

3 years ago

Manuel Matuzovic’s CSS Specificity Demo

If you’re looking for a primer on CSS specificity, we’ve got that. And if you’re trying to get ahead of…

3 years ago

My white whale: A use case for will-change

 Nic Chan: […] the will-change property landed in major browsers in August 2015, and I’ve been on the lookout for when to…

3 years ago

Explain the First 10 Lines of Twitter’s Source Code to Me

For the past few weeks, I’ve been hiring for a senior full-stack JavaScript engineer at my rental furniture company, Pabio.…

3 years ago

Superior Image Optimization: An Ideal Solution Using Gatsby & ImageEngine

(This is a sponsored post.) In recent years, the Jamstack methodology for building websites has become increasingly popular. Performance, scalable,…

3 years ago

CSS Database Queries? Sure We Can!

Kinda silly sounding, isn’t it? CSS database queries. But, hey, CSS is capable of talking to other languages in the…

3 years ago

5 Accessibility Quick Wins You Can Implement Today

Let’s face it: building an AA or AAA-accessible product can be quite daunting. Luckily, having an accessible product isn’t all-or-nothing.…

3 years ago

Before I go: When it comes to complaining about web browsers

That’s a damn one-two punch from Dave. He goes for the ultimate clickbait title¹, then follows up with a pile…

3 years ago