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Adding Fluid Typography Support to WordPress Block Themes

Fluid typography is a fancy way of “describing font properties, such as size or line height, that scale fluidly according to the size of the viewport”. It’s also known by other names, like responsive typography, flexible type, fluid type, viewport sized typography, fluid typography, and even responsive display text. Here is an example of fluid typography that you can play live (courtesy of MDN documentation). CSS-Tricks has covered fluid typography extensively as wel..

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How to Safely Share Your Email Address on a Website

Spammers are a huge deal nowadays. If you want to share your contact information without getting overwhelmed by spam email you need a solution. I run into this problem a few months ago. While I was researching how to solve it, I found different interesting solutions. Only one of them was perfect for my needs. In this article, I am going to show you how to easily protect your email address from spam bots with multiple solutions. It’s up to you to decide what technique fit..

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Using Web Components With Next (or Any SSR Framework)

In my previous post we looked at Shoelace, which is a component library with a full suite of UX components that are beautiful, accessible, and — perhaps unexpectedly — built with Web Components. This means they can be used with any JavaScript framework. While React’s Web Component interoperability is, at present, less than ideal, there are workarounds. But one serious shortcoming of Web Components is their current lack of support for server-side rendering (SSR). Ther..

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State of CSS 2022 Survey Now Open

The State of CSS survey recently opened up. Last year, the survey confirmed everyone’s assumptions that TailwindCSS is super popular and CSS variables are mainstream. It also codified what many of us want from CSS, from Container Queries to a parent selector. (Spoiler alert, we now have both of ’em.) While I wouldn’t say the results have been super surprising each year, this time I’m excited to start seeing more historical trends reveal themselves. The survey has b..

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Introducing Shoelace, a Framework-Independent Component-Based UX Library

This is a post about Shoelace, a component library by Cory LaViska, but with a twist. It defines all your standard UX components: tabs, modals, accordions, auto-completes, and much, much more. They look beautiful out of the box, are accessible, and fully customizable. But rather than creating these components in React, or Solid, or Svelte, etc., it creates them with Web Components; this means you can use them with any framework. Some preliminary things Web Components ..

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Getting Started With WordPress Block Development

Let’s acknowledge that developing for WordPress is weird right now. Whether you’re new to WordPress or have worked with it for eons, the introduction of “Full-Site Editing” (FSE) features, including the Block Editor (WordPress 5.0) and the Site Editor (WordPress 5.9), have upended the traditional way we build WordPress themes and plugins. Even though it’s been five years since we met the Block Editor for the first time, developing for it is difficult because docu..

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GIFs Without the .gif: The Most Performant Image and Video Options Right Now

So you want an auto-playing looping video without sound? In popular vernacular this is the very meaning of the word GIF. The word has stuck around but the image format itself is ancient and obsolete. Twitter, for example, has a “GIF” button that actually inserts a <video> element with an MP4 file into your tweet — no .gif in sight. There are a beguiling amount of ways to achieve the same outcome but one thing is clear: there’s really no good reason to use the bu..

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Named Element IDs Can Be Referenced as JavaScript Globals

Did you know that DOM elements with IDs are accessible in JavaScript as global variables? It’s one of those things that’s been around, like, forever but I’m really digging into it for the first time. If this is the first time you’re hearing about it, brace yourself! We can see it in action simply by adding an ID to an element in HTML: <div id="cool"></div> Normally, we’d define a new variable using querySelector("#cool") or getElementById("cool"..

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How to Create Wavy Shapes & Patterns in CSS

The wave is probably one of the most difficult shapes to make in CSS. We always try to approximate it with properties like border-radius and lots of magic numbers until we get something that feels kinda close. And that’s before we even get into wavy patterns, which are more difficult. “SVG it!” you might say, and you are probably right that it’s a better way to go. But we will see that CSS can make nice waves and the code for it doesn’t have to be all crazy. And ..

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How To Customize WordPress Block Theme Cover Templates with Dynamic Post Feature Images

If we browse the WordPress theme directory, a majority of themes showcase cover images. It is a feature in popular demand. The cover page trend is true even in the block theme directory screenshots as well. Let’s consider the following example from Twenty Twenty (a classic theme) which includes a cover template that can be used to display both in single post and page, where the post’s featured image displays at the top that stretches across the browser screen, with p..

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