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Not Sure How to WordPress Anymore?

Neither do I! And that’s probably because there’s a lot happening in WordPress-land. The evolution towards full-site editing (FSE) introduces frequent changes to the way we build themes and plugins, and at such break-neck speed that the documentation itself is either non-existent or nearly stale upon being published. Heck, the term “full-site editing” might even change. Tom McFarlin was musing about this in his post titled “Writing Tutorials in These Gutenber..

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Using CSS Cascade Layers to Manage Custom Styles in a Tailwind Project

If a utility class only does one thing, chances are you don’t want it to be overridden by any styles coming from elsewhere. One approach is to use !important to be 100% certain the style will be applied, regardless of specificity conflicts. The Tailwind config file has an !important option that will automatically add !important to every utility class. There’s nothing wrong with using !important this way, but nowadays there are better ways to handle specificity. Using C..

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Removing jQuery from GOV.UK

The GOV.UK team recently published “How and why we removed jQuery from GOV.UK“. This was an insightful look at how an organization can assess its tooling and whether something is still the best tool for the job. This is not a nudge to strip libraries out of your current project right now! Many of us may still be supporting legacy projects and browser requirements that prevent this from being a viable option. Some of the criticism appears to be that the library size..

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CSS Grid and Custom Shapes, Part 2

Alright, so the last time we checked in, we were using CSS Grid and combining them with CSS clip-path and mask techniques to create grids with fancy shapes. Here’s just one of the fantastic grids we made together: CodePen Embed Fallback Ready for the second round? We are still working with CSS Grid, clip-path, and mask, but by the end of this article, we’ll end up with different ways to arrange images on the grid, including some rad hover effects that make fo..

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When Do You Use CSS Columns?

That ain’t rhetorical: I’m really interested in finding great use cases for CSS multi-column layouts. The answer seems straightforward. Use columns when you want to split any content into columns, right? Here is generally the sort of example you’ll find in articles that show how CSS mutli-column layouts work, including our very own Almanac: CodePen Embed Fallback Right on. But is this an actual use case? Mmmmmaybe. If the text is relatively brief, then perh..

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Why (and How) I Write Code With Pencil and Paper

If the thought of handwriting code seems silly, it might surprise you to know that it’s inevitable. If you’re unsure, think about the last job interview you did, and remember how there was no computer around in the interview room — just your interviewers, a blank sheet of paper, and a blue ball-point pen. For the students among you, it’s even a bigger deal as your grades hang in by the lines of code you had strategically squeezed into the available space in your an..

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CSS Grid and Custom Shapes, Part 1

In a previous article, I looked at CSS Grid’s ability to create complex layouts using its auto-placement powers. I took that one step further in another article that added a zooming hover effect to images in a grid layout. This time, I want to dive into another type of grid, one that works with shapes. Like, what if the images aren’t perfectly square but instead are shaped like hexagons or rhombuses? Spoiler alert: we can do it. In fact, we’re going to combine CS..

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Quick Tip: Clear VS Code Cache for Open Files

If you use VS Code, you might have enabled the setting for re-opening a previously open file next time the app launches. I do. I like that. Hey, thanks for remembering, buddy! 🤗 But sometimes you really, really don’t want that to happen. I recently ran into one of those times! I had to reinstall my local copy of this site and, with it, the 3GB+ database that accompanies it. Being a WordPress site and all, I needed to open up the SQL database file to search-a..

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Designing for Long-Form Articles

Designing a beautiful “article” is wrought with tons of considerations. Unlike, say, a homepage, a long-form article is less about designing an interface than it is designing text in a way that creates a relaxed and comfortable reading experience. That’s because articles deal with long-form content which, in turn, tends to be valued by a ”time on page” interaction with users. We want someone to read a complete narrative. There’s a natural space between the time..

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Committing CSS Crimes

The time for CSS-Tricks is over. Now is the time for CSS Crimes! In this current landscape of content service providers, users are often limited to expressing themselves in text, links, and images. Sanitization rules tend to strip out HTML, JavaScript, and various attributes. Social media service Cohost allows users to have greater freedom with markup and inline styles than we may be typically used to. Some users have taken advantage of this freedom to commit CSS Crimes..

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