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Single Element Loaders: The Spinner

Making CSS-only loaders is one of my favorite tasks. It’s always satisfying to look at those infinite animations. And, of course, there are lots of techniques and approaches to make them — no need to look further than CodePen to see just how many. In this article, though, we will see how to make a single element loader writing as little code as possible. I have made a collection of more than 500 single div loaders and in this four-part series, I am going to share t..

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Am I on the IndieWeb yet?

Can’t smash the Like button hard enough for what Miriam Suzanne has to say on the challenging technical hurdles of implementing Webmentions: The first round required several online services along with HTML & JS changes to my static site, just to verify my indieweb identity. Then more changes to the site and more online services to help fetch any mentions (so far, nothing to see, but that’s probably expected). It seems the only way to test the setup is to launch..

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Let’s Make a QR Code Generator With a Serverless Function!

QR codes are funny, right? We love them, then hate them, then love them again. Anyways, they’ve lately been popping up again and it got me thinking about how they’re made. There are like a gazillion QR code generators out there, but say it’s something you need to do on your own website. This package can do that. But it’s also weighs in at a hefty 180 KB for everything it needs to generate stuff. You wouldn’t want to serve all that along with the rest of your scripts..

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Building Interoperable Web Components That Even Work With React

Those of us who’ve been web developers more than a few years have probably written code using more than one JavaScript framework. With all the choices out there — React, Svelte, Vue, Angular, Solid — it’s all but inevitable. One of the more frustrating things we have to deal with when working across frameworks is re-creating all those low-level UI components: buttons, tabs, dropdowns, etc. What’s particularly frustrating is that we’ll typically have them defined i..

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Please Give Me Some Space

There’s all kinds of ways to do that. Some more advisable and better-suited for certain situations than others, of course. We could do it directly in HTML: <p>We go from one line...<br><br> down a couple more.</p> But that’s what CSS is really for: <p>We go from one line...<span>down a couple more.</span></p> span { display: block; margin-block-start: 1.5rem; } Line height can also give us extra bre..

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How to Create Block Theme Patterns in WordPress 6.0

Block patterns, also frequently referred to as sections, were introduced in WordPress 5.5 to allow users to build and share predefined block layouts in the pattern directory. The directory is the home of a wide range of curated patterns designed by the WordPress community. These patterns are available in simple copy and paste format, require no coding knowledge and thus are a big time saver for users. Despite many articles on patterns, there is a lack of comprehensive and ..

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SPAs, Shared Element Transitions, and Re-Evaluating Technology

Nolan Lawson sparked some discussion when he described a noticeable shift away from single-page applications (SPAs): Hip new frameworks like Astro, Qwik, and Elder.js are touting their MPA [multi-page application] with “0kB JavaScript by default.” Blog posts are making the rounds listing all the challenges with SPAs: history, focus management, scroll restoration, Cmd/Ctrl-click, memory leaks, etc. Gleeful potshots are being taken against SPAs.I think what’s less disc..

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Just How Long Should Alt Text Be?

I teach a class over at the local college here in Long Beach and a majority of the content is hosted on the Canvas LMS so students can access it online. And, naturally, I want the content to be as accessible as possible, so thank goodness Canvas has a11y tooling built right into it. But it ain’t all that rosy. It makes assumptions like all other a11y tooling and adheres to guidelines that were programmed into it. It’s not like the WCAG is baked right in and updated whe..

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Beautify GitHub Profile

It wasn’t long ago that Nick Sypteras showed us how to make custom badges for a GitHub repo. Well, Reza Shakeri put Beautify GitHub Profile together and it’s a huuuuuuge repo of different badges that pulls lots of examples together with direct links to the repos you can use to create them. And it doesn’t stop there! If you’re looking for some sort of embeddable widget, there’s everything from GitHub repo stats and contribution visualizations, all the way to embed..

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Cool CSS Hover Effects That Use Background Clipping, Masks, and 3D

We’ve walked through a series of posts now about interesting approaches to CSS hover effects. We started with a bunch of examples that use CSS background properties, then moved on to the text-shadow property where we technically didn’t use any shadows. We also combined them with CSS variables and calc() to optimize the code and make it easy to manage. In this article, we will build off those two articles to create even more complex CSS hover animations. We’re talking..

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