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Customizing Color Fonts on the Web

Myles C. Maxfield on the WebKit Blog published a nifty how-to for color fonts. It comes on the heels of what Ollie wrote up here on CSS-Tricks the other day, and while they cover a lot of common ground, there’s some nice nuggets in the WebKit post that make them both worth reading. Case in point: there’s a little progressive enhancement in there using @supports for older browsers lacking support the font-palette property. Then the post gets into a strategy that sho..

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A Perfect Table of Contents With HTML + CSS

Earlier this year, I self-published an ebook called Understanding JavaScript Promises (free for download). Even though I didn’t have any intention of turning it into a print book, enough people reached out inquiring about a print version that I decided to self-publish that as well .I thought it would be an easy exercise using HTML and CSS to generate a PDF and then send it off to the printer. What I didn’t realize was that I didn’t have an answer to an important part of..

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Mastering SVG’s stroke-miterlimit Attribute

So, SVG has this stroke-miterlimit presentation attribute. You’ve probably seen it when exporting an SVG from a graphic editor program, or perhaps you find out you could remove it without noticing any change to the visual appearance. After a good amount of research, one of the first things I discovered is that the attribute works alongside stroke-linejoin, and I’ll show you how as well as a bunch of other things I learned about this interesting (and possibly overlooked..

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First Look At The CSS object-view-box Property

Ahmad Shadeed — doing what he always does so well — provides an early look at the object-view-box property, something he describes as a native way to crop an image in the browser with CSS. The use case? Well, Ahmad wastes no time showing how to use the property to accomplish what used to require either (1) a wrapping element with hidden overflow around an image that’s sized and positioned inside that element or (2) the background-image route. But with object-v..

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Dialog Components: Go Native HTML or Roll Your Own?

As the author of a library called AgnosticUI, I’m always on the lookout for new components. And recently, I decided to dig in and start work on a new dialog (aka modal) component. That’s something many devs like to have in their toolset and my goal was to make the best one possible, with an extra special focus on making it inclusive and accessible. My first thought was that I would avoid any dependencies and bite the bullet to build my own dialog component. As you may ..

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Zeldman: You may not know his name, but he played a huge part in creating the web you take for granted today. And he’s back—kind of. That would be Glenn Davis and the Verevolf site Zeldman’s talking about. The site is a growing archive of Davis’s personal (and unvarnished) recollections pioneering the early web, like the one where he recounts the origin story of his uber-famous Cool Site of the Day. Credit: Web Design Museum Or the how an email he wrot..

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Inline Image Previews with Sharp, BlurHash, and Lambda Functions

Don’t you hate it when you load a website or web app, some content displays and then some images load — causing content to shift around? That’s called content reflow and can lead to an incredibly annoying user experience for visitors. I’ve previously written about solving this with React’s Suspense, which prevents the UI from loading until the images come in. This solves the content reflow problem but at the expense of performance. The user is blocked from s..

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An Interactive Starry Backdrop for Content

I was fortunate last year to get approached by Shawn Wang (swyx) about doing some work for Temporal. The idea was to cast my creative eye over what was on the site and come up with some ideas that would give the site a little “something” extra. This was quite a neat challenge as I consider myself more of a developer than a designer. But I love learning and leveling up the design side of my game. One of the ideas I came up with was this interactive starry backdrop. You ..

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Improving Icons for UI Elements with Typographic Alignment and Scale

Utilizing icons in user interface elements is helpful. In addition to element labeling, icons can help reinforce a user element’s intention to users. But I have to say, I notice a bit of icon misalignment while browsing the web. Even if the icon’s alignment is correct, icons often do not respond well when typographic styles for the element change. I took note of a couple real-world examples and I’d like to share my thoughts on how I improved them. It’s my hope thes..

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Creating Style Variations in WordPress Block Themes

Global styles, a feature of the block themes, is one of my favorite parts of creating block themes. The concept of global style variations in WordPress were introduced in Gutenberg 12.5 which would allow theme authors to create alternate variations of a block theme with different combinations of colors, fonts, typography, spacing, etc. Different theme.json files stored under /styles folder “lets users quickly and easily switch between different looks in the same theme.” ..

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