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How to Make CSS Slanted Containers

I was updating my portfolio and wanted to use the forward slash (/) as a visual element for the site’s main layout. I hadn’t attempted to create a slanted container in CSS before, but it seemed like it would be easy at first glance. As I began digging into it more, however, there were actually a few very interesting challenges to get a working CSS slanted container that supports text and media. Here’s what was going for and where I finally landed: CodePen Embe..

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No Motion Isn’t Always prefers-reduced-motion

There is a code snippet that I see all the time when the media query prefers-reduced-motion is talked about. Here it is: @media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) { * { animation-duration: 0.01ms !important; animation-iteration-count: 1 !important; transition-duration: 0.01ms !important; scroll-behavior: auto !important; } } This is CSS that attempts to obliterate any motion on a website under the condition that the user has specified a preference for ..

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Replace JavaScript Dialogs With the New HTML Dialog Element

You know how there are JavaScript dialogs for alerting, confirming, and prompting user actions? Say you want to replace JavaScript dialogs with the new HTML dialog element. Let me explain. I recently worked on a project with a lot of API calls and user feedback gathered with JavaScript dialogs. While I was waiting for another developer to code the <Modal /> component, I used alert(), confirm() and prompt() in my code. For instance: const deleteLocation = co..

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Netlify Has Scheduled Functions

(This is a sponsored post.) Hey! Scheduled Functions are cool! Think of them like a CRON job. I want this code to run every Monday at 2pm. I want this code run every hour on the hour. That kind of thing. Why would you want to do that? There are tons of reasons! Perhaps something like “send my newsletter” where you write it on your site in Markdown, it gets processed into an email template and sent out via a Netlify Function. Now you could make that happen on a set schedul..

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Using Different Color Spaces for Non-Boring Gradients

A little gradient generator tool from Tom Quinonero. You’d think fading one color to another would be an obvious, simple, solved problem — it’s actually anything but! Tom’s generator does two things that help make a gradient better: You can pick an “interpolation space.” Gradients that use the sRGB color space (pretty much all the color stuff we have in CSS today) have a bad habit of going through a gray dead zone, and if you interpolate the gradient in anot..

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CSS Scroll Snap Slide Deck That Supports Live Coding

Virtual conferences have changed the game in terms of how a presenter is able to deliver content to an audience. At a live event it’s likely you just have your laptop, but at home, you may have multiple monitors so that you can move around windows and make off-screen changes when delivering live coding demos. However, as some events go back to in-person, you may be in a similar boat as me wondering how to bring an equivalent experience to a live venue. With a bit of crea..

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A Deep Introduction to WordPress Block Themes

The relatively new WordPress editor, also known as the WordPress Block Editor, always under development via the Gutenberg plugin, has been with us since 2018. You can use the block editor on any WordPress theme, provided the theme loads CSS that the blocks use. But there are new themes that lean into the Block Editor much more deeply. WordPress Block Themes allow you to build out the entire site using blocks, meaning the theme’s responsibly is mostly design guidelines, a..

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Building a newbie-friendly codebase

Pedro Santos suggests: Using naming conventions such that you can learn them once and apply them everywhereUnidirectional data flows. Make it easy to follow the app flow.No magic numbers. I’d add they are even worse in CSS as it’s both the confusion they cause and how they are often tied to awkward or incorrect assumptions.Using data structures. Like state machines.Testing everythingGood code > good commentsAvoiding acronymsRefactoring opportunistically To S..

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The Making of Atomic CSS: An Interview With Thierry Koblentz

I interviewed Thierry Koblentz, creator of Atomic CSS, to understand the history and background that led to making of the popular CSS framework. Thierry, now retired, has vast experience writing CSS at large scale and has previously worked as a front-end engineer at Yahoo!. Thierry is widely credited with bringing the concept of Atomic CSS to the mainstream, thanks to his now classic 2013 article on Smashing Magazine, “Challenging CSS Best Practices.” That article pa..

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Building a Scrollable and Draggable Timeline with GSAP

Here’s a super classy demo from Michelle Barker over on Codrops that shows how to build a scrollable and draggable timeline with GSAP. It’s an interesting challenge to have two different interactions (vertical scrolling and horizontal dragging) be tied together and react to each other. I love seeing it all done with nice semantic markup, code that’s easy to follow, clear abstractions, and accessibility considered all the way through. CodePen Embed Fallback To Sha..

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