
Smashing Hour With Lynn Fisher

I’m a big Lynn Fisher fan. You probably are, too, if you’re reading this. Or maybe you’re reading her name for the first time, in which case you’re in for a treat.

That’s because I had a chance to sit down with Lynn for a whopping hour to do nothing more than gab, gab, and gab some more. I love these little Smashing Hours because they’re informal like that and I feel like I really get to know the person I’m talking with. And this was my very first time talking with Lynn, we had a ton to talk about — her CSS art, her annual site refreshes, where she finds inspiration for her work, when the web started to “click” for her… and so much more.

Don’t miss the bit where Lynn discusses her current site design (~24 min.) because it’s a masterclass in animation and creativity.

Smashing Hour With Lynn Fisher originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.


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