Categories: Has a New Home on YouTube

(This is a sponsored post.)

✋ High fives to WordPress for releasing version 5.9 on January 29! This was the long-awaited introduction of the Site Editor and the reverberations are still being felt across the 43% slice of the web that is powered by WordPress.

The Site Editor is more than a neat feature: it’s a completely new approach to theming in WordPress. What makes it a big deal is that it lowers what was once a pretty high barrier to entry for anyone who wants to create or customize a WordPress theme, thanks to a visual interface that takes the PHP out of everything. If you’re interested more in this transition, check out Ganesh Dahal’s Deep Introduction to WordPress Block Themes.

Need a new template? All it takes is a click and dropping some blocks into place.

Learn the Site Editor on’s YouTube Page

The Site Editor, like many things about WordPress, is intuitive as heck. But it’s still such a new concept that it might be worth getting a few pointers on how to use it.

That’s why the team set up a brand spankin’ new YouTube channel full of fresh videos that walk you through it, including how full-site editing works, how to set up a homepage, and much more.

The idea is that this YouTube channel can be your go-to for all sorts of educational resources to support your ongoing website-building needs. There’s already a good amount of content in there with plans for more videos released regularly.

And just because the videos center around, anyone running a WordPress site, self-hosted or not, will benefit from these step-by-step tutorials. Has a New Home on YouTube originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should get the newsletter.


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