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Meta Theme Color and Trickery

Starting with Version 15, Safari supports the theme-color <meta> tag both on macOS and iOS. That’s exciting news because now the first desktop browser supports this <meta> tag and it also supports the media attribute and the prefers-color-scheme media feature. I never really took much note of the theme-color meta tag, but now is a good time to learn about its features and limitations and try to discover some interesting use cases. Heads up! Safari removed s..

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Jamstack Community Survey 2021

(This is a sponsored post.) The folks over at Netlify have opened up the Jamstack Community Survey for 2021. More than 3,000 front-enders like yourself took last year’s survey, which gauged how familiar people are with the term “Jamstack” and which frameworks they use. This is the survey’s second year which is super exciting because this is where we start to reveal year-over-year trends. Will the percentage of developers who have been using a Jamstack architecture ..

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Meet `:has`, A Native CSS Parent Selector

The reasons that are often cited that make container queries difficult or impossible is things like infinite loops—e.g. changing the width of an element, invalidating a container query, which changes the width again, which makes the container query take effect, etc. But that was solved with containment. A “parent selector”, or :has as it is now been officially dubbed (I like it, that’s how jQuery rolled, although Adrian pointed out a tweet noting that it’s more vers..

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Using the Specificity of :where() as a CSS Reset

I don’t know about you, but I write these three declarations many times in my CSS: ul { padding: 0; margin: 0; list-style-type: none; } You might yell at me and say I can just put those in my CSS resets. I wish I could, but I don‘t want to and I’ll tell you why in a second. User agents set values to those properties in a list for a purpose, and that is to make lists more readable. These are the default styles in chromium browsers for a <ul> elem..

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:focus-visible in WebKit

This is a nice update from Manuel Rego Casasnovas. Igalia has this idea to sort of crowd-source important web platform features that need to get worked on (that’s the sort of work they do). They call it Open Prioritization. The “winner” of that (the one with the most-pledged dollars) is what they’ll do. That turned out to be :focus-visible support in WebKit (Safari). As I write, people have pledged $29,337.13 of the $35,000 goal, so not bad! That choice was made ..

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SVG Favicons in Action

Ever heard of favicons made with SVG? If you are a regular reader of CSS-Tricks, you probably have. But does your website actually use one? The task is more non-trivial than you might think. As we will see in this article, creating a useful SVG favicon involves editing an SVG file manually, which is something many of us try to avoid or are uncomfortable doing. Plus, we are talking about a favicon. We can spend a few hours playing with a hot new CSS framework. But a favicon..

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