The Story Behind TryShape, a Showcase for the CSS clip-path property
I love shapes, especially colorful ones! Shapes on websites are in the same category of helpfulness as background colors, images, banners, section separators, artwork, and many more: they can help us understand context and inform our actions through affordances. A few months back, I built an application to engage my 7-year old daughter with mathematics. Apart from basic addition and subtraction, my aim was to present questions using shapes. That’s when I got familiar wit..
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Can we have custom media queries, please?
Stefan Judis notes that there is a spec for custom media queries, but seemingly no momentum on it at the moment. That lack of movement is unfortunate, as it’s almost guaranteed front-end developers all over would start using it as soon as it’s ready. I know I would, as I liberally use custom properties now, and the DRYness of custom properties is one of the exact same benefits we’d get with custom media queries. The syntax is: @custom-media --narrow-window (m..
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Fire SVG animations (SMIL) when the SVG is visible
When requirements read “when visible” your brain should go straight to IntersectionObserver. That’s exactly what Zach is doing here to kick off an animation when it scrolls into view. Except this animation is an SVG SMIL animation: an <animate> situation. SMIL animations have some kinda cool things they can do, like begin when another animation ends, which is something CSS doesn’t help with that much. Turns out SMIL has a JavaScript API as well, so it’s pos..
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Building Your Own Subscription Newsletter
(This is a sponsored post.) I did a sponsored video the other week explaining how to build a paid subscription newsletter using WordPress (we did it on but it could be hosted anywhere), MailPoet (a plugin to visually author the emails, as well as send them), and WooCommerce (to manage the payments and subscriptions). I published the video here and there is a landing page for the whole concept here. I spent a lot of time on it! I feel personally compelled..
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Firefox’s `bolder` Default is a Problem for Variable Fonts
Variable fonts make it easy to create a large set of font styles from a single font file. Unfortunately, the default rendering of the <b> and <strong> elements in browsers today is not very compatible with the wide range of font-weight values enabled by variable fonts. Unexpected: in Firefox the HTML element `b` has a user agent style of `font-weight: bolder` and Chrome/Safari/Edge all use `font-weight: bold`.Noticed with `<div style="font-weight: 700"&..
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Early Days for CSS Scoping
There is a working draft spec for CSS scoping now, a newsworthy event for the W3C. Other than a weird period where <style scoped> shipped and then was subsequently removed from the spec (and browsers), this is the furthest a scoping proposal has gotten (the Level 1 spec never got anywhere). This one comes from Miriam Suzanne. The basics: <div class="media"> <img alt="Proper alt." src="..."> <div class="content"> <p>...</p>..
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AWS Lambdas: Easy, Easier, Easiest
I’d say cloud functions are one of the most transformative technologies in the last bunch of years. They are (usually) cheap, scale well, secure in their inherit isolation, and often written in JavaScript—comfortable territory for front-end developers. Nearly every cloud provider offers them, but AWS Lambda was the OG and remains the leader. But also: The DX around cloud functions is just as interesting to watch as the tech behind the functions themselves. There is all..
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Supercharging Built-In Elements With Web Components “is” Easier Than You Think
We’ve already discussed how creating web components is easier than you think, but there’s another aspect of the specification that we haven’t discussed yet and it’s a way to customize (nay, supercharge) a built-in element. It’s similar to creating fully custom or “autonomous” elements — like the <zombie-profile> element from the previous articles—but requires a few differences. Customized built-in elements use an is attribute to tell the browser..
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Links on Performance IV
HTTP Caching is a Superpower — Hugh Haworth covers how the Cache-Control header is an awfully potent ingredient in web performance. I mis-read the title at first and was waiting to read about HTML caching. Hugh covers it a bit (like how you’d need to be careful doing so on something like a forum, where the content on pages changes rapidly), but I find it something that’s generally under-talked-about. As in, generally, people just don’t cache HTML at all, because it ch..
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I completely ignored the front-end development scene for 6 months. It was fine.
Have you ever fretted that front-end web development moves so fast that if you stepped away for a while, you’d be lost coming back? Rachel Smith has: The hectic pace of needing to learn one thing after the next didn’t bother me so much because when I was 26 because I was quite happy to spend much of my free time outside of my day job coding. I was really enjoying myself, so the impression that I had to constantly up-skill to maintain my career wasn’t a concern. I did..
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